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  • Marij Staessens

Webredactie: Why outsourcing expertise is a smart choice.

More and more people are finding their way to your company, product or service via the internet. A well-maintained website is therefore important! You probably already have a website and even hired a web designer for the design. But now that your website is ready and online, it comes to a standstill. No more news items or references will be added and the latest update

dates from half a year ago. The reason? Lack of time, inspiration and knowledge.

01. CMS, HTML and CSS.

Everyone knows Wordpress, Drupal or Kentico. CMS systems that allow you to edit content without any programming knowledge. But you know from experience that even that doesn't always go without a fight. Making adjustments can sometimes be difficult, with some updates your website will no longer work properly and if you have specific wishes you suddenly have to work with code again.

02. Content management, content creation and content marketing.

In addition to getting along well with a CMS system, the content of your website is also important. It starts with searching, collecting and sorting information that is relevant to your company, product or service. Then you have to work to rework this information into hip videos, photos, blog posts, newsletters and e-books. Content tailored to your visitorsthat you cannot create without the right video editing software, graphics software and email editors.

03. Usability

How a website is experienced by the visitor depends largely on its user-friendliness. Your content must match what your visitors are looking for and that content must then be presented in a way that is experienced as user-friendly.

04. Social Media

With social media you increase the online presence of your company. Sharing your content on social media is therefore definitely a must. This way you lead more visitors to your website and you ensure more reach, visibility and authority of your website.

05. Google Analytics

Another trick is some knowledge of Google Analytics. By analyzing the data from your website and correctly interpreting it, you know whether your content works or not. In addition, with Google Analytics you also get a better view of your visitors, you can see which keywords are most searched for and which generate the most traffic. All information that you can use to optimize your website even better.

06. Webcare

Visitors are increasingly expressing their opinion online. They expect you as a company to do something with this. Webcare is simply answering visitors' questions online, responding to complaints and providing solutions. If you do this correctly, webcare is the ideal way to manage the reputation of your company, product or service.

Nowadays more and more organizations realize that web editing is a profession in itself. Web editing is no longer something you do in between. It is a profession for which you need solid knowledge. That is why outsourcing your web editing is a smart choice.

Need a web editor? Contact me!





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